Sunday, 31 March 2013

31/3 I'm still here!

This blog - grrr - I really am not techy enough to understand it.  I am of  a generation where I know what I want to do but the computer won't do it, ad I feel that shouting my PC ought to count for something.  I keep having people saying it is not easy to use, or they coudn't leave a comment or something, and I look at the blog hoping the answers will come.  Maybe I should try different software.  And on top of that I am being spammed to hell by dodgy US websites.  I thought if I went quiet for a while they may die down, but quite the opposite.  So I am back and will ignore all the quirks and just do an update.

What can I say?  Another busy month.  Alex and Lucie were on Newsround on the BBC - you can still see it online here I think

I have done a short interview as part of a piece in The Guardian to do with parents views on disability, which will be printed in the next week or so, and also in two weeks I have been asked by Scope to go to London to do a small talk to rich people who are philanthropists to big charities, to tell them how great Scope is and we want all their money - or something like that, I might refine the words a little!!

As I am writing this, I have my first attempt of home made bread in the oven baking.  It was very therapeutic to make and knead the dough, and smells delicious, but the fact it looks like a heavy brick may mean only the ducks benefit.  Ah well, I am not a domestic goddess.  It is Easter Sunday and I have written lots of little clues for Toms Easter Egg hunt.  Is it wrong that his big surprise is the Easter Eggs that were given to Alex?  Every year I get several eggs for Alex, despite the fact the idea of him eating chocolate is a fantasy yet to come true, so Tom does rather well out of Easter. I had a theological discussion with Tom this week, very funny talking religion with a boy with Symantec Pragmatic language disorder.  His literal take on the world makes subjects like religion a very memorable talk!

I have been decorating Alex's bedroom - which if you read books on autism should be very stressful for him, as we totally changed his room, furniture and all, but he is delighted with it, spending lots more time in there.  It doesn't look like a kids room, all calm and neutral colours, no primary bright colourful decorating.  But I think it works for him.  I always want to fall asleep when I am in there.  I also had a tantrum of my own with all the junk in my house, so have listed most of my world on Ebay.  I think Lucie was about to chain herself to the radiator to make sure she didn't get listed.  It is very cathartic emptying your wardrobes and cupboards of stuff.  And thats all it is - stuff - you think you will need it one day, but really you move it around endlessly.

Alex is doing my nut in.  He is on full autistic bouncing about going round the house like a tornado on a destruction path, and continually escaping outside, getting too good for our key hiding defences.  We are visiting the in-laws this afternoon, so I hope he burns off his energy now, or he will be unbearable.

Anyway, that is my ramble.  There is snow on the ground still and about to go into April.  It seems not only my world makes no sense any more.  Have a very Happy Easter.


  1. Hi Alice
    Long time, no blog. Hope everything ok. Maybe set up a facebook page if the blog is proving a bit bothersome to administer. Please don't stop blogging because you feel bad you've haven't blogged for a while ..... and no need to start with an apology either! I really hope everything's OK.

  2. Hi, it's Flo (from France).
    It seems that you have lots of things to deal with. Hopefully, as winter comes, you'll have a bit more calm in the house while days are falling down sooner :-).
    Hope you're enjoying your time with Lucie, you and her have some "play days" and not just work, as I have seen last year on your blog.
    Take care,
